About Us
Ending nations’ ability to wage cyberwar?
Is this even possible?
Yes, it is possible! Remember rootkits? If not, they were a serious security threat. Now, it’s gone. We can do the same with Malware, Ransomware, Spyware, and even Backdoors.
How: With new paradigms: Not with blacklisting, but with white/graylisting (see more in the FAQs) and other proactive/ preventative methods that will give defenders an advantage over adversaries.
Result: No Malware. What remains is propaganda, disinformation, and weaponization of social media. So, too bad: some malicious cyber capabilities remain, but it’s a start.
What about cybercrime? Unfortunately, cybercrime is not just a tech problem; it’s mainly deception/dishonesty, issues that can’t be solved with tech alone.
BUT soon, we will have super-smart AI, AGI, or ASI. Criminals (and nation-states) will take advantage. Let’s imagine, AI could reverse code engineer any binary code and include malicious code anytime. Impossible? Nope, its feasible (even likely); it’s just a Next-Level Adversary feature. What could it do? Steal our keys (SSL/TLS session keys), misuse encryption, or hide as a digital ghost on our systems.
Who can change this: Engineers. … and you by becoming a member/Patreon.

The founder of No-Go-* is Erland Wittkoetter, Ph.D. He is a physicist, mathematician, inventor, and entrepreneur. (More in FAQ:)
Soon, No-Go-* will have a team who will drive its mission and vision to its first success conclusion and then go even further to provide sustainable guardrails against unsafe/malicious AI/ASI.
You may have questions, even doubts – we have (some) answers
You could start reading the Articles, but that deep dive might be too much – so we came up with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – If you have still more questions or a follow-up .. please let us know
FAQ – Overview No-Go-* as a Dev Project
FAQ – Products No-Go-* anticipated Deliverables
FAQ – What else? … Miscellaneous Questions
More? … Questions with No Answer Yet …
Next Steps
A call to action:
Many engineers, developers or product designers reading articles or FAQs on this website start spinning ideas around, brainstorming or even discussing additional solutions. It obvious: No-Go-* is about many/multiple products – different teams with diverse skills and expertise.
So how do we become a productive community of engineers?
We are lucky, in comparison to the huge body of work/technology already done, we only need to do a few essential tweaks – reliable and transparent. We think, being a one-stop shop for advanced (foundation-forming) security is the way to go. We could prepare standardization proposals for IETF, IAB, or ISO.
Ambitious projects require some structures, in particular when done with urgency. They could steer us to predictable results, stimulate additional exchange of ideas so that we can deliver together on our promises. This requires leadership as seeds, but also for holding the team/tech together.
Lets start with a dream-team. Nope, no dreams. Lets start with a team of “doers”, i.e., active, result oriented peoples who effortlessly adapt to problems and challenges. We all have seen it many times: some people, often good listeners, organized, clear in communicating priorities, grow into positions that required judgment and experience. So we are looking for passionate experts/pros, new talents who want to changing the trajectory of cybersecurity – in which users have less fear from danger, harm or cyber threats.
Does grassroots mean, we are just looking for volunteers. Initially, yes – naturally; but later: no. Some can get involved part-time outside their main job or as part of their job, others need to do as a paid full-time contributor. Ideally, No-Go contributors will find in No-Go technology their career opportunity.
So what are the next step? We need …
- Expertise:
- We look for System dev’s, low-level (e.g., XEN), file-system, network, but also engineers who could combine Hardware/Software (i.e., USB, SATA, RISC-V)
- Also: tech educators – helping the community to learn some old, but also new tech ideas
- Team- or Tech Leader – someone who knows that he/she must be part of this
- To all: please get in touch with us and be as direct as possible with us – please include DEV, TEACH, TEAM or TECH in the subject line
- Money:
- Please become a member of No-Go, with as little as $5 (or more) per month via Patreon.com – you will get regularly informed (1-2 messages per month)
For getting started: the first 50 patreons and separately for the top-10 donating patreons, are invited for a special zoom “Ask Me Anything” meeting with the founder - We need Hall-of-Fame supporter, so if you want to make a much bigger difference – please contact us (as SPONSOR)
- Please become a member of No-Go, with as little as $5 (or more) per month via Patreon.com – you will get regularly informed (1-2 messages per month)
- Media/Public:
- Yes, we want to get the message out: to expert contributors, and to people becoming patreons/sponsors – So if you are a journalist, blogger, or influencer, it would be an honor and pleasure to make your acquaintance – and please include “MEDIA” within the subject line
- Backend Office:
- Starting a (successful) campaign can be an overwhelming experience. If you have experience in setting up some structures and filters – please present yourself as the “ORGANIZER” within the subject line
Lets build
We are eager to hear from you. Therefore, please be specific and direct in why you want to get in touch with us.
Building a community requires a team – If you think you can help with expertise/knowledge, time (volunteering) or money, then please get in touch with me.
Also, if you think it helps us in understanding your background better, please include your linkedin profile or a link to your website. We want to be efficient (with your and our time).
We try to get back to you within 48 hours.
We prefer skype (or FB messenger, zoom, or whatsapp) after setting a time to communicate; it’s faster. Please let us know your preferred communication method.
For making it easier to us, please include (if applicable): DEV, TEACH, TEAM, TECH or SPONSOR or MEDIA or ADMIN in the subject line: